Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Classes of 2nd Semester at UGR!

So I finished my finals, after working on papers and studying hard for exams the whole month of February. whooah! I already know I did very well in my anthro class, and am waiting to hear about the others. yay!

New classes started this week. I am taking:

Historia del Medio Ambiente en el Mundo Contemporáneo (History of the Environment in the Contemporary World)
-seems pretty interesting, we will be learning ecological history and the impact of the environment on society and vice versa, global climate change, etc. i'm excited!

Historia de Arte Antiguo en España (Ancient Art History in Spain)
-I thought I wouldn't like this as I've never taken an art history class, but it seems cool. The reason I am excited is that last semester I took the history of ancient spain, so this class is talking about the same time period, just focusing on art! so I have a great base after studying for that exam a couple weeks ago :)

Didáctica de Inglés (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language to Primary School Children)
-Awesome, because I am already an English as a Foreign Language Teacher! I am just taking this class for fun, and I already know the professor. It is an interesting mix of Spanish and English....should be interesting!

Antropologiá de la Salud (Anthro of Health)
-Seems pretty interesting, we'll see!

It was fun to start classes again. This time I feel way more comfortable and confident the second time around. I can understand the thick Andalucian accents of the professors much easier, and I am much more confident to ask questions in spanish, etc. And, there is a new batch of foreign students who just started this semester, and I have been a guide and helped them a lot with their questions since I know the drill and the spanish style of teaching, etc. yay!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Carnaval de Cádiz!

The annual Carnavales de Cádiz (a beautiful city on the Atlantic Ocean) are world famous parties. It lasts for a full week, of tons and tons of people dressed up in CRAZY awesome costumes! And there are stages in every plaza where various "chiringotas" perform-- groups of spaniards dressed up in the same ridiculous costumes, singing songs of political satire, etc.

We left Saturday morning on a bus at 9 am, and got to Cádiz around 2pm. We had all day to explore around the city, walk through some pretty parks, and see the gorgeous ocean! So nice to see that again, I missed it!

One of my favorite things about our time at Carnaval was seeing all the different ages of people. There were families with kids decked out in adorable costumes from dinosaurs to pirates to the one cute little boy dressed up as the old man from the pixar movie Up! And then at the same time there were lots of older adults, also wearing costumes! So all generations.

Once nightfall started coming, all the university aged people took over. Swarms and INSANE crowds of people. Check out the pictures!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hosting couch surfers on my couch here in Granada

So as you know I couch surfed all around Europe this winter break, and had wonderful experiences surfing peoples' couches and meeting them and hearing their stories, getting local city tours from them....

Well now I am putting myself on the other side, and hosting people here on my couch! In January (the day after I got back from my 3 week trip actually, haha) I hosted this young man from New York, a music student solo-traveling around Europe. He was fun and a great first hosting experience. I took him out to tapas with my friends, showed him a good Granada time.

Now I am hosting a man from New Zealand, Daniel the kiwi! Unfortunately as you have read I am super busy and so don't have time to show him around or anything, but he is crashing here for two nights. I talked with him for a few hours when he arrived last night (instead of studying..) and he is a very interesting guy. He has been traveling around the world and living in different countries for the past 8 years. He has had many insane worldy experiences and stories to tell. His current project and passion is designing and building the "solarflower", a device made of regular household materials and junk that works as a solar panel and makes energy. He explained, in way too full of detail for my non-scientifical brain, how it works and his design strategies and successes and failures. Very interesting and complex. He carries it around with him in in pieces in a small duffel, and so he let me see some of the pieces. Crazy!

Anyway, it is way fun to host people from all over who have had these amazing experiences!

ok, off to my toefl class. ahh! bye!

TOEFL course

I just wrote a long, detailed syllabus/course calendar for my 7 week intensive TOEFL test prep course I'm teaching, complete with all our class activities and their homework assignments and practice tests and everything. I feel like such a professional instructor now, haha. Teaching is tough stuff! My admiration for teachers and what they do keeps increasing...

I think I will be able to pull this course off. I was super worried about it and didn't want to do it at first. My boss told me nothing about the class being different and an actual intensive test prep course, so I've had to figure everything out on my own and act like I am on top of everything when really I am figuring it out as I go....lot's of thinking on my toes. We are using this thick, long test prep book that is super intimidating. But, hopefully we will be able to cover the most important aspects. I am a very organized person and lve making lists and schedules and such, and so this characteristic has come in very handy prepping for this course. I have structured out every class day as well as their homework for every night..... ojalá que funcione!

I am off to the class right now. I will hand out the syllabi and explain the structure of the course, and away we go!!! cross your fingers!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

wooooo so much work!

OOO I feel super productive. Up until this point of finals cramming and working, we haven't been spending too much time studying here. I have read the occasional article or written the occasional essay, but in general the work load here is pretty low.

However, now with finals here there's lots to be done! I had my first final this morning, bright and early. Well, make that dark and early. I woke up and walked the mile and a half uphill to campus in the dark and in the rain at 7:30 am. I took my final for history of ancient spain, and I feel pretty good about it! I think I did well. Clare and I studied together yesterday--we were in my small room studying from noon to ten pm. So one test down! Next wednesday I have my anthropology of religion final, and our final project is due. I talked to my professor yesterday and showed her my project outline and she gave it a thumbs up! So powering ahead. Then I will just have one more paper, for my history of andalucia class, which is a long research paper that I have a few weeks to do.

On top of university classes, my english classes I teach are getting crazy busy too! I still teach the same three women twice a week who I've been teaching since November, and every day we laugh a lot and have a great time sharing our languages with each other. That's a fun class, and we all learn a ton each day.

I was just asked by my boss to add another class at the beginning of this week. I showed up on Tuesday at 4pm (after already teaching in the morning), without knowing how many students, what ages, what level....turns out I have two men students who speak english pretty well, and are paying for an intensive 30 hour course to prepare to take the TOEFL (test of english as a foreign language) in March. Next month! So I feel a high level of responsibilty, as these men are counting on me to fully prepare them for this difficult test in one month! EEEk! I showed up and had to wing our two hour class without ever having looked at the TOEFL book. They knew more about it than I did, yet they still asked questions and I had to quickly flip through the book to find the answers.....woooo thinking on your feet! Man has teaching been a new learning experience for me in so many ways!

So, in half an hour I am leaving to go to the academy to proctor a full-length practice test for these two spanish men. As in all four hours. Hopefully all our technology will work and we can complete it today, and then grade it, and see what sections need work and go from there! (I have no idea yet how to teach this class. I will have to play with it and see how it goes!)

I have been studying full days, but as breaks I have been running. Every time I run I try to go someplace new that I've never been before, which is not too hard to do when you live in a city. Lately my runs have been STUNNING: the Sierra Nevada mountains behind the Alhambra behind Granada are covered in shiny white snow, and it's been quite sunny and chilly lately, save for this morning when it rained. Granada is so gorgeous!

I am getting so so so excited for my visitors who are coming to see me and my life here. If everything works out, Darren will be here, then Kavy (here on my 21st!), then Mom and Jim! And then Ty and Barbara in the summer. I can't wait, guys! yay!!

ok well I got to go to deliver this fantastic four hour test! over and out fools! I hope you are all well. I love you and miss you!