Friday, November 6, 2009

Internet and I are finally together again!

Yes. The rumors are true. I HAVE INTERNET in my piso! Finally, after waiting for 6 weeks! No more walking a long way to the internet cafe!

This means that I will most likely be posting more pictures and stories on this blog, since it will be at my fingertips! So be prepared to vicariously live more awesome adventures in Spain! haha this is fun. :)

There are lots of new posts below this one, and I know you haven't read them yet so check them out!

Hey guys, thanks for reading this blog. It makes it so much easier to share stories and pictures with all my family and friends by putting it all on here. And it's fun for me too, to go back and read these and remember! It's a great digital diary. Thanks for sharing it with me!

And remember that I love it when you make comments on my posts! They're fun for me to read. :)

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